
Dr Tracy Harrison has experience in children’s dentistry and is able to assist toddlers from a young age. It is recommended that children start seeing the dentist within a year after the first tooth erupts.

It is important to get children used to seeing the dentist from a young age, so they learn not to fear dental visits. Dr Tracy Harrison is able to assist children with problematic milk teeth, which pave the way for permanent teeth and ensure they have enough room to grow, and put plans into place to ensure the permanent teeth grow correctly.


It is recommended that Adults visit the dentist at least every 6 months. During these check-ups, Dr Tracy Harrison examines the teeth, gums and tooth structures to ensure they are in optimal health. She will identify any cavities or other issues and devise a treatment plan to combat it.

She will advise her patients on the best possible solutions for their dental problems, whether the issue is structural, functional or aesthetic in nature.


Teeth, gums and tooth structures break down over time, causing discomfort. It is as important to take care of your teeth later in life as it is in the beginning. Dr Tracy Harrison provides a comfortable environment for older patients to have their teeth and gums examined. During her examination, she will determine whether there is any cause for concern and will advise her patients on treatment options moving forward.

Dr Harrison is also able to fit dentures and will advise her patients on the proper cleaning and care methods. Once dentures are fitted, Dr Harrison will schedule visits on a regular basis to ensure they fit and function correctly.